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Join Us
“We would love to have you worship at Providence. There are no prerequisites, preconditions, or dress codes; we give you the same invitation Christ gave us:
Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
We realize coming to a new church is not always easy, so we’ve tried to answer
some questions below to make your first visit a blessing. If you have any further questions,
please don’t hesitate to contact us!
What if I’m not Presbyterian? Or Reformed?You do not need to be Presbyterian or Reformed to come to Providence OPC. To fully participate in our service, all you need to do is confess that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9). If you believe that, then we welcome you as a brother or sister in Christ to the worship and fellowship of the church! If you don’t believe in the gospel - then we would still love to have you come! You may not be able to fully participate without believing, but you will certainly be welcomed and any of our elders would be happy to talk with you about any questions you might have.
What is your style of worship?Our worship might be called traditional; our services are primarily centered around the preaching of the Word and the Lord’s Supper. While we are big fans of tradition, we don’t make decisions purely for tradition’s sake. We sing mostly hymns with musical accompaniment, but do so in a way that is accessible for everyone and are happy to include modern songs that praise Christ and glorify God.
Can you explain your service? (Or, what is a liturgy?)A liturgy is simply the order and structure of a worship service; even churches that do not explicitly call it a liturgy still have a clear structure and purpose to their services. Our service is designed to follow God’s instruction to only worship Him in the ways He has commanded (Deuteronomy 12:12), and puts the reading and preaching of the Word of God at the center of worship. We partake of the Lord’s Supper weekly as a blessing and encouragement to God’s people, and we pray, sing, and give thanks as God has directed. Our service usually runs about an hour and fifteen minutes.
Where do my children go?Children are a blessing from the Lord, and so we are happy to include them in our worship service. In line with Jesus’ own invitation to bring the children to Himself (Matthew 19:14), we think it best for kids to stay in the service and experience the means of grace, even if it can be a learning curve for them. We have supplies to help children through the service readily available, and we offer a Nursery for children three years old and younger. We do agree it is valuable for children to have teaching directed to their age and development, and so will be developing children’s Sunday school in the immediate future.
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